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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Review of a Color Changing LED Fish Tank Aquarium Light


Color Changing LED Fish Tank Light

I recently got a fish tank and that I did not have the easiest start to say the least. I first purchased a 3.5 gallon tank and had a beta fish and two little compatible fish (neon tetras). The beta fish died fairy quickly which was very sad. I decided to give it another try and I upgraded to a larger tank (10 gallon tank). 

I filled it with water and did a treatment with water conditioner and left if for a couple of hours. I put the two little neon tetras in and a couple more fish I purchased. A couple of hours later all my fish were DEAD. I was so DEVASTATED! I killed all of my fish. 😭 I decided to try one more time and did a lot of research to see what I was was doing wrong.

I took the water to the pet store and had them test it. They said there was some chlorine in the water and that is why the fish died, they had chlorine shock. He told me to put the conditioning treatment in and let it sit for a week or so and bring back some water to be tested again. Finally I went back about a week and a half later and the water was good to go and I got a few fish. Two weeks later I added a few more. Waiting to add more fish was the advice of the pet store, they stated I should only get about 4 fish at one time. Finally it is going well.

Anyway on to the real reason for the post, the review of the LED light. The LED white light that came with the lid on the fish tank cover was so white and bright, I wanted to purchase something else, something that would change color. I first purchased these round lights that were supposedly for fish tanks, pools or any water, but they were battery powered and the batteries died so fast. Then when I went to change the batteries the batteries were rotted, so I had to return them.

I continued my search and finally found this light. I really like it. It suctions to the side of the tank and it is power operated so I do not have to worry about batteries dying. There are many color options and there is a remote and also controls on the cord. It really looks good and I am very satisfied with this light.

My opinion is not to get battery operated lights for a tank, it will not work out well. This light is very affordable and will do what you need. One light is all you need in the tank and it was less than $15.00.

Here are some pictures of the colors for the LED Fish Tank Light

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