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Holiday Gift Ideas

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Review of Fidget Toys for Stress Relief and Anxiety


Relieve Stress and Anxiety with Fidget Toys

I bought this the other day for a Christmas gift for my daughter. When I saw it I thought it would be perfect for her. She has anxiety and finds these kind of gadgets really help with her stress and nervousness. I have bought her little individual fidget toys in the past, but never a whole package of them. 

When I opened it I was pleasantly surprised. I took out the gadgets and realized that I think that I would benefit from one of these packs as well. I thought about just taking some of hers out of this pack but since this is less than 20 bucks I am just going to buy myself one.

The little squishy animals are my favorite, so cute. 😊 I mean the Rubik cube, I may as well forget playing with that, I have tried a million times in my life but never got it, oh well, I guess I will keep trying.

I can't wait to give it to her, she will get a kick out of this. I may actually get a few since everyone has stress now a days. 🤣

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