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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Review of Baby Tent for Playpen or Crib

I have a 1.5 year old grandson. I only have one child, and she is a girl, so it is nice to have a boy to see grow up now. But I think he is definitely more of a risk taker than my daughter was. He is already climbing out of his playpen. You leave him in there and walk out of the room and he would be right behind you. The biggest problem with this is the chance of him falling. If he trips or gets stuck he may fall right on his head. But mom does need to put him in his playpen sometimes so what do you do?

I went on amazon looking for something to solve this issue and I found this tent that you place inside of the playpen and then tie on the sides and it works wonders. It zippers from the outside so the baby has no way of opening it. Yes at first it makes you feel like you have your child/grandchild in a cage, but it out weights the possibility of them getting hurt.

I really do not see any negatives with this product except you can't throw it in the washer so you have to hand wash it. Besides for that, if you are needing something to help keep your child safe while in a playpen, I would highly recommend this product. Keep your baby from climbing out of his or her playpen or crib!


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